It was while we were getting ready to leave that we noticed it - The Bug. It was big and black with long, furry, wriggling legs. Even worse - it was in Elianna's room! The polite thing to do, of course, was to kill the intruder at once but no one wanted to go near it. Finally, I had to face the thing myself ("HAHA! YU R MY BUG NAW" [the PT]) . I tried to squish it with a cardboard box from the garbage but, alas, it did not want to be squished. Once I finally did manage to squish it ("the bug has been squishinated by the girl!" [sic]) and throw it out, it was only mostly dead which, of course, means still slightly alive. What if other dangerous and grosser than gross enemies came to its aid?
This called for drastic action by present members of the Blog Squad. Bad4Shidduchim had hinted to us that there was something special and important about taping plastic spoons to the table and flinging jelly at the clean white walls. I believe her instructions were such:
Use for 22 plastic spoons:
Needed: masking tape, a table, 22 plastic spoons, jelly, a nice white wall
1. Position table about 15 feet from nice white wall
2. Tape edge of handle of spoons to table, the bowl side over air
3. fill bowl of spoons with jelly
4. press gently down on edges of jelly-filled bowls of spoons in rapid succession
5. admire squishy sound and colorful sight
For best results, use many flavors jelly in a pattern. Keep spoons close together. With practice, you can aim them to create patterns of your own design.
Note: only for practice in facilities which you will be evacuating immediately.
Well, we were evacuating the apartment rather immediately, so we figured a shield of this kind against enemies of the Arthropoda phylum would be very useful. Luckily, we came prepared. We took out our handy plastic spoons and immediately began taping them to the kitchen table. Observe:

Next, we got out the jelly:

And then - up went the shield:

And the Blog Squad saved the day once again! The home of the Blogfather is sufficiently protected against Arthropods.
Unless...Serach didn't wash the walls did she? Did she???
Uh oh.
Live, minute-to-minute update:
Upon returning back to said premises with the Blogfather himself, and upon his witnessing the ingenious defenses erected to protect the Fortress of Super Sketch, the Blog Squad received commendation for our noble and resourceful actions, and a reward of ice cream was duly administered to the deserving parties.
Or at least, I think it went something like that. Or something.
i cant stop laughing!!!!!!
Hmmm, SJ, I don't remember any ice cream...
Ezzie, I think you owe us, or me at least, ice cream. :D
Fortress of Super Sketch
The Fortress of SUPER SKETCH!? How rude. {hands on sides} Hmph.
Ice cream was administered, but alas, only one member was there to receive. The others forfeited their opportunity. HA!
And this was HILARIOUS.
Also, before I forget, this home is known as The Pond. Ask the Raggedys and Princess D.
is that a dirty grill i see in the background? EZZIE!!!! you promised you'd clean it before shabbos!!!
Fleazer Goldfishes second comment is correct.
The Fortress of Super Sketch was erected in The Pond
It would have been a lot funnier if you actually flung the jelly. Although I don't see Ser laughing too much at that.
You girls are too funny.
And I would also guess that the sketch factor was greatly affected by who exactly was in attendance at the Fortress...
No Mordy, the Fortress is called Super Sketch regardless of who is in attendance at any given time. Anything that happens there is, by definition, at least tinged with a flavour of Sketch. But of course, that doesn't keep us from going back, time and again.
Yay SerandEz! Awesomest hosts ever!
Yay SerandEz! Awesomest hosts ever!
And I would also guess that the sketch factor was greatly affected by who exactly was in attendance at the Fortress...
...are you calling us sketchy, Mordy? :P
Oh fun! Wish I was there. We'll have to arrange an invasion when I am. I have some great defense ideas that include peanut butter and bananas...
The Fortress of SUPER SKETCH!? How rude. {hands on sides} Hmph.
Rude, but fitting. :-P
is that a dirty grill i see in the background? EZZIE!!!! you promised you'd clean it before shabbos!!!
Tsk, tsk.
Yay SerandEz! Awesomest hosts ever!
Thirded! :-)
Oh fun! Wish I was there. We'll have to arrange an invasion when I am. I have some great defense ideas that include peanut butter and bananas...
Ooh, I hope I'm invited, too! Sounds like a party!
Actually Ersh, I was implying that it was only sketchy when I was there... ('cuz I thought I was the sketchy one!lol)
And SJ, FYI: You're not in
ENGLAND! (Kill the U's!) muahahaha
Goodness, if I was 15 I would've come up with other defensive strategies.
(as discussed before with da Blogfather)
What do you do when you have to grow up???
And SJ, FYI: You're not in
ENGLAND! (Kill the U's!)
Wow...I didn't even notice she'd done that until you pointed it out. I read too many British books - British spelling seems so normal!
Rock on, SJ!
Goodness, if I was 15 I would've come up with other defensive strategies.
What do you do when you have to grow up???
Grow up??? *look of horror*
Actually Ersh, I was implying that it was only sketchy when I was there... ('cuz I thought I was the sketchy one!lol)
I was wondering if anyone would catch my "u." Very observant, Mordy. But I'm afraid the "u"s aren't going anywhere. Sorry. :)
And, btw, we are perfectly capable of keeping things sketchy even without your presence, believe it or not.
And, um, M, we aren't 15. Try 21. And I don't know about this "growing up" of which you speak, but I don't think it involves giving up on having fun. I plan on being wacky well into my 90's. Wacky doesn't have to mean immature, y'know.
So what other defenses would you come up with? :)
I think MirRac can attest to my being the King of Sketch. :)
Ersh! Shake and I'm GONE!lol
And SJ, I don't know if such egregious use of the letter U will be tolerated... Better check with the The Blogfather.
Extra U's are blasphemous!!!
All the moure reasoun to use them! Douwn with Blogfather tyranny! Grassrouts British rebellion! Wuhu! :P
I think there's something in the fish that affects her brain. Nebach.
Wow, this is the most comments I've ever had on a post before.
Um, here is a tribute to the Blogfather.
(Psst! SJ! You're not supposed to talk of rebellion in a public forum! Besides, if you rebel, we'll have to kick you off the Blog Squad!)
Firstly, why are there no comments by MR.
Second, don't shake!
Third, WHY do people INSIST on dotting I's when they are using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!?!?!
Firstly, I don't think anyone told M.R. there was a party.
SecondLY, who's shaking!
ThirdLY, WHY do people INSIST on being inconsistent with their ADVERB AND ADJECTIVE USAGE!?!?! It's either firstly, secondly, thirdly or first, second, third.
Also, it was easier to make a lowercase I on etch-a-sketch when it was next to other letters. Also, this way it looks unique!
I thought the Blog Squad was all about rebellion! I mean, the Americans had a revolution--isn't it about time there was a British one? Or something? Since when are we so stodgy, anyway?
You aren't brave if you can't squash jukim with your bare feet. that a challenge?
(And have you ever squished jukim with your bare feet?)
A challenge? Ha! (throwing down glove)
No, it's not a challenge, because I have already squashed and mortally wounded Jukim with my bare feet on more than one occasion.
The hard part is running after mice with a squeegeey without a fierce battle cry. That I have not yet mastered....
Sorry, Erachat- I didn't meant to say that you were fifteen and jelly splashing defensive strategies are not effective- :)-
I meant that if *I* were fifteen again, I would have had fun thinking of other stuff in addition to the already ingenious method you guys implemented.
I know you're not fifteen, don't worry.
Oh, and Ps- British spelling rocks.
I've used it since like, seventh grade.
Look Erachet! I readed the post! Verrreee funny indeedy! I like the jelly patterns. Only... I don't like to mention this, seeing how I absolutely refused to succour (well, if we're playing with u's)you in any way shape at all in your role as The Squishinator, but, um, wouldn't jelly just attract more icky invaders?
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