Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Learning To Breathe

I have come to the realization that all students love to complain. Well, all people, for that matter, but especially students. It's not that we want things to complain about, but if there is ever anything at all undesirable or unpleasant in our paths, we are ready, waiting, to pounce on it with every creative complaint ever invented. These complaints range from small grumblings to out-and-out melodrama (which is usually very amusing to watch).

Me, I like to not allow myself to get so stressed. After all, feeling stressed to the point of being unable to perform won't make the annoying work go away - it'll just make me unable to do it. This, perhaps, is why I am so far the only one I know about in my Lit. and Philosophy class who actually finished reading an overly complicated and obnoxious essay we're supposed to write about.

I have my share of stresses, but I guess schoolwork is the one thing I love to complain about but yet doesn't actually make me feel too stressed. Or, not usually, anyway. Sometimes it's good to just allow yourself to breathe a little, you know?

On the other hand, sometimes if you feel stressed or annoyed, the best thing to do is to vent it out and then start working. 'Cause you can't write a paper if you're all mad at it (if you know what I mean).

For instance, I'll vent something. Just what is the deal with philosophical essays being so snobby and obnoxious?! I mean, I understand that they're trying to explain difficult concepts, but that doesn't mean abusing the thesaurus while doing so!!!


[Okay, that helps me breathe a little better :) ]


corner point said...


My newfound travels have caused me to become quite familiar with thesaurus abuse.

Nasty business. G'luck to you...

Ezzie said...

Because much of philosophy, when written in simpler language, is easily understood as "oh, well, each side of this dilemma has its positives and negatives". This would then allow everyone to see just how much crap philosophy often (not always) is, which would really destroy the whole self-aggrandizing philosophical world. Using big words lets them feel like they are pondering ideas of great import that cannot possibly be comprehended by the masses.

Well, that's one possible reason, anyway. :)

the apple said...

More like, philosophy isn't really so complex, but when it's presented in extremely difficult language it takes on the appearance of complexity.

For your edification, a good example of thesaurus abuse.

Anonymous said...

without stress, I don't get anything done. Who's complaining?

G said...

Ahhhhhhhh, yes...the "Tradition" effect>

Now I have secret, hidden text like on SerandEz!