Sunday, April 29, 2007

Up The Beanstalk: Summer Internship meets The Enter Key

I really, really wish it wasn't so hard to get an internship for the summer. Last summer I tried to get one and it didn't work out so I ended up running a backyard daycamp for three-year-olds with a good friend. Admittedly, it was one of the best summers I'd had in a while, but I really don't want to do that again. I REALLY want an internship in either a publishing house or a literary agency or anything along those lines, but nooooo. So now I don't know what to do. It's getting late and there are fewer and fewer places to apply to that I haven't applied to already. I'm just getting so discouraged. I mean, really I'd love to spend my whole summer writing, since I scarcely get the energy and will-power to write decently during school, but I also do need to do something a bit more productive, like something that will either earn me money or experience, or both, if I'm lucky. But so far I haven't been lucky at all. In fact, I'm so unlucky that my blog has stopped responding to the enter key on the keyboard so now you all have to read one long paragraph. Ah well. So on a different note, I have recently become obsessed with naming creative things, 'Up The Beanstalk.' I just thought I'd mention that, since I'm in a bit of a rambly mood. I thought of the name while thinking of a name for a literary journal, and now I'm all like, "oooh, shiny, pretty name. Must name everything 'Up The Beanstalk.' I even wrote a poem inspired by it about fairy tales. Perhaps I'll post it eventually, when I'm back at school and on my laptop and the enter key works again.

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Now I have secret, hidden text like on SerandEz!