Thursday, April 3, 2008

Things I learned (or relearned, or was reminded of) today

1. I make more of an effort to get to the classes that I actually like (as opposed to 'find interesting but not particularly enjoyable').
2. Ummm, Dracula reminds me a heck of a lot of Heathcliff.
3. There is nothing to eat in the caf on Thursdays for lunch.
4. Amy Adams is a good actress, but she seems to get type-cast as the more air-headed sort.
5. The ringing of your cell phone while you are reading scary/intense passages from Dracula can make you jump.
6. RaggedyMom is extremely cool (especially with the crashing of a certain school's G.O. elections - I still need to hear the story about this)
7. Apparently...there isn't really anyone from Gattaca who is named Eugene? Why on earth did I think there was?
8. Dark chocolate is still dairy.
9. There is a Wedding Barbie who has a ring that sparkles when you hold her hand. I think every Stern girl should own one. You know, for moral support.
10. Everyone is QUACKED.

That will be all.

P.S. "Go back whence you came!" IS PROPER ENGLISH.


Sarah K said...

To revise #3 . . . there's nothing to eat in the caf on Thursdays in general. In either caf, really.

And in terms of #8 . . . there is some parve dark chocolate, you just have to find it.

But I like these lessons, they're very interesting/entertaining.

Anonymous said...

"Amy Adams is a good actress, but she seems to get type-cast as the more air-headed sort."
What prompted this item?

Now I have secret, hidden text like on SerandEz!